CAD SERVICES are using our cloud-based services to remotely service our client’s requirements. With the Coronavirus pandemic impacting businesses in varying ways, it is a difficult and trying time for us all.

Along with our obvious commitments to the health and well being of all our staff, we are supporting our clients in various ways to ensure they can continue to provide a high level and as near normal service as possible for their projects.

We are enabling our staff to work remotely, utilising software tools such as `Microsoft Teams’ for instant messaging and online meetings.  This means we can keep our distance but keep in touch.

Our `BIM 360’ cloud-based solution for project management and document collaboration, allows our staff to work remotely, and provides the tools to ensure continuity for our clients projects.

`BIM360′ gives our clients access to drawings and documentation from their laptop or PC. Larger projects can also benefit from Revizto and Navis as part of our visual collaboration software platforms.

Outsourcing your CAD and BIM requirements to CAD SERVICES means the resources you need are always at your disposal.

Autodesk Revit Logo
Autodesk Fabrication logo
Redrawn Autodesk autocad logo
Autodesk Navisworks logo
Revizto BIM software logo
Cyber essentials certified logo
QMS ISO 9001

CAD SERVICES is an ISO9001 Registered company. Copyright © 2019 CAD SERVICES. All rights reserved